HJ Mechtronic

Electronic regulation unit for mechanical lubricators that converts to load dependent cylinder lubrication and optimizes consumption.


Reduce cylinder oil consumption by up to 50%


Improves cylinder condition significantly


Lower particle matter and CO2 emissions

Discover the principles behind
HJ Mechtronic

HJ Mechtronic on 2-stroke marine engine

Introduction to HJ Mechtronic

Upgrade your existing lubrication system with HJ Mechtronic and get electronic, load-dependent control for mechanical cylinder lubricators on two-stroke marine diesel engines.

Conventional mechanical RPM dependent lubricators are prone to over-lubricating cylinders. This results in unnecessarily high consumption of cylinder oil and can also lead to increased wear of liner and piston rings.

Electronic control and load pick-up enables automatic regulation of the feed rate in relation to ME load or sulphur content of the fuel oil. This means that HJ Mechtronic can help optimize cylinder condition and, at the same time, reduce cylinder oil consumption significantly.

HJ Mechtronic has a user-friendly interface and is easy to operate, saving vessel crew time to focus on other tasks.


  • Significant reduction of cylinder oil consumption
  • Reduced particle matter and CO2 emissions
  • Improved acid neutralization and reduced corrosive wear
  • Reduced wear of liners and rings
  • Extended TBO
  • Easy operation for crew

Product features

  • RPM to load regulation
  • Oil injection in every piston stroke
  • Automatic load or sulphur dependent feed rate regulation

Get the HJ Mectronic flyer PDF

Feed rate comparison

Load regulated (green) vs. standard lubrication (blue)

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