SAVINGS Reduces cylinder oil consumption by up to 50%. LINER LIFETIME Improves cylinder condition significantly REDUCE EMISSIONS Lower particle matter and CO2 emissions Easy add-on solution HJ X-Tronic is an electronic regulation unit that converts mechanical lubricators from RPM-dependent to BHP- (load)-dependent. HJ X-Tronic ensures that the cylinder oil consumption is adjusted automatically to match… Read more
Reduce cylinder lube oil consumption by up to 50% and prevent cylinder liner wear and cold corrosion. Introduction to HJ Lubtronic 2.0 HJ Lubtronic 2.0 is an electronic lubricator that adjusts feed rate according to ME load, BN number or sulphur content of the fuel oil. This effectively reduces cylinder oil consumption and optimizes cylinder… Read more
Advanced commonrail technology, integrating lubricator and valve in one compact unit. Compact design HJ Smartlube 4.0 is a unique combination of compact design and advanced functionality. The system integrates the lubricator into the HJ SIP (Swirl Injection Principle) injection valve, thereby completely eliminating the need for an individual lubricator on each cylinder. This means that… Read more