Efficient cylinder lubrication does not eliminate the wear of liners and piston rings completely. The goal is to control the cylinder wear rate and keep it on a normal level and to prevent other harmful types of wear. Cylinder wear in two-stroke marine engines refers to the gradual deterioration of the inner surface of the… Read more
1. What is the purpose of lubrication technology for marine engines? Lubrication technology for marine vessels involves the use of advanced lubrication systems to reduce friction between cylinder liner and piston rings by forming a thin and even oil film. Furthermore, lubrication prevents wear of liner and piston rings, neutralizes sulphuric acids, keeps the piston,… Read more
Scuffing in cylinder liners is a serious risk for marine vessels that might lead to costly engine repairs and prolonged downtime. By understanding the causes, you can take preventive measures to reduce the risk of scuffing and ensure optimal engine performance, reliability, and longevity. With the right knowledge and precautions, you can protect your engine… Read more
The maritime industry relies heavily on two-stroke marine engines to power the vessels. These engines are highly efficient. However, they require proper lubrication to function at their best. Lubrication is an essential component of any engine, and it is especially critical for two-stroke marine engines. The right lubricant and lubrication system help to reduce friction,… Read more